MPI · parallel computing · Uncategorized

MPI debugging

MPI programs are more difficult to debug than other programs because of their parallel nature. The MPI programming model follows the single program multiple data paradigm or the multiple program multiple data paradigm. Debugging MPI programs is complicated by the following characteristics: Several processes run in parallel in a coordinated way. These processes may all… Continue reading MPI debugging


Cell phone supercomputers

In “Physics of the Future” Michio Kaku states “Today your cell phone has more computer power than all of the NASA back in 1969, when it placed two astronauts on the moon.” and in the fictional movie “Iron Sky” the space ship “GötterdĂ€mmerung” is operated by a smart phone. So what is actually the computational… Continue reading Cell phone supercomputers


Some Math

Math in WordPress has become as easy as $1,2,3,\dots$ thanks to MathJax. Some trigonometric identities: \begin{gather} \sin\alpha^2 +\cos\alpha^2 = 1 \\ \sqrt{2}\left|\cos(\alpha/2)\right| = \sqrt{\cos(\alpha) +1} \end{gather} The Dirac equation for a relativistic electron: \begin{equation} \mathrm{i}\hbar\frac{\partial\Psi(\vec{r}, t)}{\partial t} = \left(c\vec{\alpha}\cdot\left(\hat{\vec{p}}- q \vec{A}(\vec{r}, t) \right) + q \phi(\vec{r}, t) + mc^2\beta \right)\Psi(\vec{r}, t) \end{equation}