In a previous post I gave a very short introduction to the Message Passing Library (MPL), which is a C++ message passing library based on MPI. Although it does not provide a direct mapping of the C API to C++ it comes with all modes of collective communication as defined be the MPI standard, e.g., barrier, broadcast, gather, scatter, reduce and so on. The following program does not perform any meaningful calculation, but illustrates some modes of collective communication.
#include <cstdlib> #include <complex> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <mpl/mpl.hpp> int main() { const mpl::communicator &comm_world=mpl::environment::comm_world(); std::vector<int> v; if (comm_world.rank()==0) for (int i=0; i<comm_world.size(); ++i) v.push_back(i); int x; // rank 0 scatters data to all processes comm_world.scatter(0,, x); std::cout << "rank " << comm_world.rank() << " got " << x << '\n'; // wait until all processes have reached this point comm_world.barrier(); x*=2; // rank 0 gathers data from all processes comm_world.gather(0, x,; if (comm_world.rank()==0) for (int i=0; i<comm_world.size(); ++i) std::cout << "got " << v[i] << " from rank " << i << '\n'; // wait until all processes have reached this point comm_world.barrier(); // calculate global sum and pass result to rank 0 if (comm_world.rank()==0) { int sum; comm_world.reduce(mpl::plus<int>(), 0, x, sum); std::cout << "sum = " << sum << '\n'; } else comm_world.reduce(mpl::plus<int>(), 0, x); // wait until all processes have reached this point comm_world.barrier(); // calculate global sum and pass result to all comm_world.allreduce(mpl::plus<int>(), x); std::cout << "sum = " << x << '\n'; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
Note that the reduction operation (addition) in the example above is specified as an anonymous function object. In addition to addition, MPL provides multiplication, logical operations »and« and »or«, bitwise operations »and«, »or«, and »xor« as well as minimum and maximum. A reduction operation must take two arguments of the same kind and produce a result of the same type as the arguments. With MPL it becomes very easy to define custom reduction operations, as the following example shows. Note that it is required, that the reduction operation is implemented by a class, which is derived from std::function
and has no member variables.
#include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <iostream> #include <functional> #include <vector> #include <mpl/mpl.hpp> // calculate least common multiple of two arguments template<typename T> class lcm : public std::function<T (T, T)> { // helper: calculate greatest common divisor T gcd(T a, T b) { T zero=T(), t; if (a<zero) a=-a; if (b<zero) b=-b; while (b>zero) { t=a%b; a=b; b=t; } return a; } public: T operator()(T a, T b) { T zero=T(); T t((a/gcd(a, b))*b); if (t<zero) return -t; return t; } }; int main() { const mpl::communicator &comm_world=mpl::environment::comm_world(); // generate data std::srand(std::time(0)*comm_world.rank()); // random seed int v=std::rand()%12+1; // calculate least common multiple and send result to rank 0 if (comm_world.rank()==0) { int result; // calculate least common multiple comm_world.reduce(lcm<int>(), 0, v, result); // display data from all ranks std::cout << "Arguments:\n"; for (int r=0; r<comm_world.size(); ++r) { if (r>0) comm_world.recv(v, r); std::cout << v << '\n'; } // display results of global reduction std::cout << "\nResult:\n"; std::cout << result << '\n'; } else { // calculate least common multiple comm_world.reduce(lcm<int>(), 0, v); // send data to rank 0 for display comm_world.send(v, 0); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
MPI provides reductions operations MINLOC and MAXLOC, which simultaneously determine the minimum or maximum plus the location of the minimum or maximum. In MPL, however, such specific operations are not needed. Minimum and maximum operations for pairs of some scalar type and an integer do the same job as the following example shows.
#include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <vector> #include <utility> #include <mpl/mpl.hpp> typedef std::pair<double, int> pair_t; int main() { const mpl::communicator &comm_world=mpl::environment::comm_world(); // generate data std::srand(std::time(0)*comm_world.rank()); // random seed const int n=8; std::vector<pair_t> v(n); for (pair_t &i : v) i=std::make_pair(static_cast<double>(std::rand())/RAND_MAX, comm_world.rank()); // calculate minium and its location and send result to rank 0 mpl::contiguous_layout<pair_t> layout(n); if (comm_world.rank()==0) { std::vector<pair_t> result(n); // calculate minimum comm_world.reduce(mpl::min<pair_t>(), 0,,, layout); // display data from all ranks std::cout << "Arguments:\n"; for (int r=0; r<comm_world.size(); ++r) { if (r>0) comm_world.recv(, layout, r); for (pair_t i : v) std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(5) << i.first << ' ' << i.second << '\t'; std::cout << '\n'; } // display results of global reduction std::cout << "\nResults:\n"; for (pair_t i : result) std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(5) << i.first << ' ' << i.second << '\t'; std::cout << '\n'; } else { // calculate minium and its location and send result to rank 0 comm_world.reduce(mpl::min<pair_t>(), 0,, layout); // send data to rank 0 for display comm_world.send(, layout, 0); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }